
Jamie Pasion Cohen began her career at Ja-Set Insurance Agency, and went on to found Contractors License Experts LLC in order to provide solutions to Contractors seeking to obtain, transfer, or modify their licenses.  

Over the last 17 years, we have helped thousands of contractors obtain their licenses and have a greater than 98% success rate provided that applicants have the correct documentation.

California licenses are our specialty, but our clients come from all over the country, from all trades, and range in size from sole proprietors to large multi-state contractors. We’ve helped contractors get licensed and registered in 22 states. 



We are honest and transparent about what we can and cannot do.

With every client, we take the time to listen to their circumstances, ask questions, and recommend solutions at no cost.

We respect how important a Contractor’s License is to our clients - it is how they earn a living.

We keep our clients’ information confidential.  We do not share information with the state until the client gives their approval.

We appreciate that our clients place their trust in us to handle the licensing process at pivotal and stressful moments in their lives – when they start or expand their business, make a change to the responsible managing officers or employees, retire or sell their business, transfer their license to a family member, take over from a sick spouse, etc.

We take pride in our work. We are proud of the fact that most of our new clients come from referrals.